My portfolio of 3D-Artwork

I figured it'd be nice to have a page here dedicated to showcasing my 3D artwork given that it's starting to add up, even though I'm not actively looking for jobs or commissions in this area as of now.

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Arkham City Batsuit Refit

This is a modernised interpretation of the Arkham City batsuit, just like my Arkham Asylum Batsuit Refit.

Arkham Asylum Batsuit Refit

After making my Proto-Asylum suit I figured I could take a stab at a modernised interpretation of the batsuit from Batman Arkham Asylum.

Proto-Asylum Batsuit

This is an original design that tries to bridge the gap between the Batsuits from Batman: Arkham Origins and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

Batman (1989) Batsuit

This is a mostly faithful adaptation of the batsuit from Tim Burton’s Batman from 1989.