This is another suit that is based on Artwork by Joe Quinones, in this case it’s based on his blend of the Animated Series Batman with some aspects of Tim Burton batsuits. It was on my to-do list for a while and was also quite interesting to make, as it’s quite different from my previous models in terms of style. Adapting the original design to a 3D model and a somewhat different art style required some artistic liberties as always, especially when it comes to recreating its distinct shapes and silhouettes in a way that still makes sense and looks good.

I’ve opted for a more armoured bodysuit design here, as that seems to be a good match for the body shapes that are seen in Quinones artwork, as it doesn’t appear to be a simple muscle suit when going by the shapes on his shoulders and legs, but rather fabric over an armoured suit.

The cowl also turned out exceptionally well this time, as it almost perfectly replicates the shapes seen in the original artwork while the long and curved ears give it a very distinct look.

Naturally I’ve also experimented a lot with the material shaders on this suit, as I wanted to keep a bit of a sheen on the cape and cowl, while having a tactile fabric look on the bodysuit, with a gentle fresnel falloff as a nod to the original cel-shaded visuals of the animated series.

Last but not least, the very distinctive face of the original artwork obviously required a dedicated face model in order to replicate the look. Given that this suit blends aspects of the animated series and Keaton’s Batman I’ve decided to grab one of my earlier Keaton face models and then redid the jaw area to give him the very prominent jawline that’s seen in the original design.