If you are not accidentally peeking at my discord server you might be wondering why there is an absence of updates lately. Lemme explain this here. I have recently started a collaborational Project with Lee, another shader developer, and we have been doing some kind of power run to a 75% feature complete state on overworld over the last few weeks. As you can imagine this was taking up the […]
October 2019
Nostalgia Shader v1.1
Changelog changed min light behavior changed skylight added colorprofile emulating super duper pack optional custom water color improved wind effects Download: Nostalgia v1.1 By downloading you agree to the terms of use as detailed here. Make sure to visit my discord server for support, development progress and […]
Simplicissims Shader v1.0
Initial Release dynamic shadows bloom temporal anti aliasing motionblur dynamic sunlight colors improved vanilla cloud lighting (set vanilla clouds to fancy for best results) Download: Simplicissimus v1.0 By downloading you agree to the terms of use as detailed here. Make sure to visit my discord […]
Kappa Shader v1.1
Changelog added biome based water added for lowlight grain setting added additional sky fog layer added min light setting improved water fogging fixed night sky cloud fogging improved shadow illuminance behavior improved cloud quality towards the horizon reduced sky reflection resolution in favor of performance […]