This suit was a random idea I had while looking at some reference for my previous two animated-series inspired suits, and the concept of it is quite literally based on a single shot from a flashback scene in the Animated Series.

I wanted this to have a more distinct look while also creating a bit of a progression between this and the Burton-BTAS/TNBA suits, which meant giving its bodysuit more of a muscle-suit look, since this creates a good timeline that goes from a more anatomical design on this suit to the rather armoured look of the TNBA suit.

The shorter gloves are also a small nod to the early appearances of Batman, before full-on gauntlets became the norm.

I also wanted this suit to have a distinctive silhouette, so I figured that I could mix things up by having his cape end at his shoulders rather than covering them entirely, while also having a cowl with shorter but still very pointy ears that mounts onto the cape in a way that looks a bit like its flowing into the cape when looking at it from the back. I also tried to give the cowl a slightly “crumpled” leather-look which gives it a more grounded and less “refined” look even if it’s one of the more subtle details.