This design originated from a spontaneous idea I had when working on my Proto-Asylum Batsuit, which was to make a more lightweight and traditional suit design that’s supposed to be an alternative to the Proto-Asylum suit. It shares a lot of the same design principles, but due to the nature of the design it’s much simpler and minimalistic in terms of its armour design.
In order for it to feel more lightweight than the Proto-Asylum Suit I’ve stripped it back to two armour layers, consisting of a very simple fabric undersuit and one layer of soft plating made of a quilted material similar to the original Arkham suits. The different materials and plating types also meant that the suit had to be a bit leaner than the Proto-Asylum suit so I took some inspiration from the body shape of the Arkham City suit from the cinematic trailer made by Blur Studios there, as their model is built less like an Arnold Schwarzenegger in his prime compared to the actual in-game versions of the Arkham Asylum and City suits.
I’ve also adjusted the cowl a bit, which is still split but with the collar section resembling the Asylum suit a bit more, especially from the back. I still wanted to keep some layered aspects there, so it still has a separate clavicle, inner and undersuit layer but the inner layer is now only present at the front and also serves more as a mounting point for the cape.
As for the cape, I’ve made it more similar to the capes of the Asylum and Origins suit, hence why it is again made of a single piece of fabric and has a more classic Arkham shape, but its gliding state is of course still quite a bit larger than that of the average vanilla Arkham skin.
For obvious reasons it uses the same face model as my Proto-Asylum suit.