As with my 1989 batsuit model, this is a mostly faithful adaptation of the batsuit from 1992’s Batman Returns by Tim Burton. This was actually one of the first batsuits that I’ve tried to sculpt from scratch, and thus it went through quite a few revisions before reaching the state that you’re seeing here now.

It once again also features a handful of creative liberties that I took, such as the metallic and weathered belt (which is identical to the one on my 1989 model) and some minor tweaks on the bodysuit, although the latter are moreso necessary adjustments to adapt the design to the different body proportions than anything else in this case. I’ve also tried to keep the somewhat layered look of the rubber layers of the suit, especially on the legs, since it seems to consist of multiple elements there. This was also something that I’ve done with later revisions of the model, as I initially made it to be a single, uniform bodysuit with the armour shaping simply being embedded into it as opposed to the segmented and more practical look that the actual movie prop had.

The boots are also once again a blend of the look of the original Nike-boots and a more practical combat-style boot that I’ve made a while ago.

The gliding cape is a somewhat more theatrical take on what we’ve seen of the glider used in the movie.

Since the face model is identical to that of my 1989 Batman model I don’t see a need to showcase it here again.