I’ve also given my Proto-Asylum skins some minor updates, although they’re limited to small face tweaks and the addition of custom hair meshes this time.
August 2024
Nolan Skins Updates (Arkham Knight Mods)
Given that I’ve now figured out how to being custom hair meshes to Arkham Knight, I figured I’d do the same on my Nolan Batman skin mods.
Original Arkham Skin Pack v5.0 (Arkham Knight Mod)
I’ve finally redone the capes on my Arkham Asylum and City refit skins and brought those over to Knight as well. This was something that I wanted to do for a while since the previous capes were somewhat old and I wasn’t as skilled at sculpting back when I made those.
Burton Skin Packs Updates (Arkham Knight Mods)
I’ve been working on some improvements of my Burton Skins as of late, and I’ve finally ported these changes to Arkham Knight, which means both Burton Skin Packs will be getting some updates today.
Unreal Engine Batman Arkham #24: Burton Updates, Faces Galore and Owlman
I’ve got quite a lot of new stuff to showcase this time, although I did try to keep the video below 20 minutes this time since I feel like it’d really be getting a bit too long otherwise.
Development Update – August 2024
It’s time for an update on how things are going, and I’ve finally gotten some results to show when it comes to updating my shaderpacks to support Distant Horizons.