What is the Vanilla Plus Shader?
Development Update – July 2023
It’s time to recap some updates again (of which there have been quite a lot in the last month) and there are also a few more upcoming updates that I have planned.
Vanilla Plus Shader v3.2
Its once again time for a Vanilla Plus update, as I’ve been working on more bugfixes, a few minor enhancements such as more block mappings for Minecraft 1.20 and most notably improved cloud lighting and proper handling of moon phases.
Vanilla Plus Shader v3.1
It’s time for a minor update of Vanilla Plus, which is focusing on some bug-fixes and some futureproofing with foliage block mappings for Minecraft 1.20.
Development Update – April 2023
I’ve done a couple of updates again in the last month and have been focusing a bit more on getting FastPBR done, as it’s also one of those long overdue things from my to-do list.
Development Update – February 2023
It is once again time to go through some updates again, which should be quite interesting this time thanks to the revival of FastPBR and the recent Iris-exclusive updates of Soft Voxels.
Development Update – November 2022
It’s once again time to go through a bunch of updates and upcoming things.
Development Update – April 2022
There have been some interesting updates again in the past month and even a new project that finally made its way out into the open. So stay tuned for a rather expansive overview this time, as well as some insight into future plans.
Update Roundup 2022-03
A bunch of minor updates for Nostalgia Shader, Vanilla Plus, and Potato Shader. As all of those aren’t too extensive I decided to just bundle them into a single post instead of extremely short separate posts.
Vanilla Plus Shader v3.0a
Time for a small update to Vanilla Plus 3.0, featuring some small additions and fixes.
Vanilla Plus Shader v3.0
The long-awaited huge overhaul is finally here!