This was yet another random idea I had while working on this bunch of animated series-inspired suits, although this suit is more of an in-between variation inspired by the colour scheme seen in some of the Batman: Troika run of comics. This also means that I’ve repurposed a lot of elements that I’ve made for the other three suits, which is something that I don’t usually do, but why reinvent the wheel when you already have one that suits your needs, especially given that this design is supposed to be part of the same suit-family.

More specifically, I wanted this to be a possible step between the Proto-BTAS and the Burton-BTAS suit, so I’ve used the cape (with some minor alterations) and cowl from the Proto-BTAS suit while combining it with the belt and gloves from my Burton-BTAS suit whereas the bodysuit is a “clean” version of the Burton-BTAS one before I smoothed and modified it to get the “fabric over plating” look it had in the end. So you can imagine this as just being the armoured bodysuit from that, but without its shell fabric or trunks, which is also why it seemed fitting to give it a roughed up carbon-fiber surface look.