After making my Proto-Asylum suit I figured I could take a stab at a modernised interpretation of the batsuit from Batman Arkham Asylum. This was also a good opportunity to build a bit of a continuity from my Proto-Asylum and Emergency Deployment suits to my interpretations of the Asylum and City suit.

It uses a similar lightweight design like my Emergency Deployment suit, but with some increased layering again, as the oblique muscle area has a different type of plating material again, in this case some flexible carbon fiber that also serves as a bit of a colour accent that gives the suit more depth again.

The gauntlets are also using the streamlined and more practical style of my Proto-Asylum suit, whereas I made new gloves for this suit that are closer to the original glove design from Arkham Asylum. To bring back some more familiar elements I’ve also added thick clamps that are holding down the gauntlets and the boots plating, just like on the original suit design. These two parts are also a good showcase of the semi-procedural wear and tear shader that I came up with for Proto-Asylum.
I also modernised the look of the belt a bit while I was at it, since it obviously should go well with the rest of the suit. That means more detailed pouches with a more practical look while giving the buckle a bit more material variation and generally making it look a bit more robust and practical. The final look is quite a deviation from how it looked in the original game, but it still keeps some key visuals while matching the modern look of the rest of the model.

The cowl is the one piece I’ve carried over from my previous iteration of the Asylum suit, since I already remade it from scratch before. Nonetheless it has some noteworthy changes compared to the original design from Arkham Asylum, as I gave the back of the collar section more defined shapes that also loosely resemble the shaping of the collar on the Arkham Origins suit, instead of having it be mostly flat like on the original. The way the cape tucks into or rather under the cowl in turn is something inspired by the Return to Arkham versions of Batman and it most definitely fits with my more practical visual style.
Speaking of the cape, I’ve tried to make something that still retains a bit of the look seen in Arkham Asylum, with the idle state is based on the look seen in a lot of the promotional artwork of the game since the way it wrinkles and wraps around his shoulder just looks a lot more appealing to me than what we got in the final game.

The face model is the same as on my Proto-Asylum suits, given that that’s already mostly inspired by Arkham Asylum.