Hey folks,
It’s time to recap some updates again (of which there have been quite a lot in the last month) and there are also a few more upcoming updates that I have planned.
Kappa Shader
I’ve fixed various bugs and did a couple more minor adjustments with version 5.2. Other than that I’m pretty satisfied with the current state of the pack, so my main focus will be further eventual bugfixes and such for a while.
You can find the full changelog of version 5.2 here: Link
As I’ve finished both Nostalgia Shader v5.0 and also brought NostalgiaVX up to speed, I am now focusing my efforts on the long overdue and quite expansive rework of KappaPT. This one will undoubtedly take a little while, as I am overhauling most of the pack, especially anything lighting related. The results should be worth the time and effort though, as there are plenty of significant improvements that I can make thanks to the plethora of advanced features of Iris. This obviously means that KappaPT will also drop support for OptiFine with the rework, as there is simply no reasonable way to improve or update anything within OptiFines very restrictive shaderpack pipeline. Needless to say that many of the improvements that NostalgiaVX received with its overhaul will also carry over to KappaPT, especially when it comes to voxelization performance.
Nostalgia Shader
The long awaited major update of Nostalgia Shader has finally arrived in the shape of version 5.0. I’d highly recommend that you check its release post as I’ve explained its various changes and additions in detail there: Link
My main focus here will also be bugfixes for a while now, as the visuals seem to be in a solid spot to me and obviously I want to devote more time to the remaining overdue items on my todo-list (eg. KappaPT).
Obviously I have brought NostalgiaVX up to par with Nostalgia Shader v5.0, which means all of its visual improvement and such are also present. In addition to that I have also added support for handheld emitters, something that many of you have been asking for. I will eventually bring this feature to more of my packs, now that I have figured out a reasonably good way to handle it. I have also added plenty of other minor things, like a plethora of new emitter mappings (especially when it comes to anything sculk-related, which should give caves a much more active and dense atmosphere).
Soft Voxels
Both Soft Voxels and Soft Voxels Lite have received some updates, with version 2.0 of the lite version now being released. You can find a full overview of its changes here: Link
As for the full version of Soft Voxels, it has also received support for handheld emitters among various other smaller additions and bugfixes. I would highly recommend that you give its changelog a look: Link
Aside from that I am still planning to add support for The End soon, at least once I have a good idea for some unique visuals there to keep things interesting and distinctive :)
Vanilla Plus Shader
Version 3.2 of Vanilla Plus also included a variety of improvements, most notably some vastly improved cloud rendering which uses similar techniques and approaches as the new cloud rendering of Nostalgia Shader does. Other than that there have been no major changes, as this pack also seems to be in a good spot and its visuals seem to be right where they should be.
You can find the release post of version 3.2 here: Link
Minor updates of other packs
There have also been various minor updates to some of my other packs as most of you have probably noticed. These update also focused on various minor bugfixes and improvements rather than significant changes as I felt like there was some headroom regarding stability and consistency with those packs. Support for Minecraft 1.20 was obviously also another factor since I wanted to ensure that everything works as expected there.
You can find the respective changelogs here:
Closing words
As you can see I’ve done quite an update run in the past few weeks, but as you might expect I can’t keep this pace up all the time so I’ve decided to go a bit easier again from now on, especially since I’ve finished most of the long overdue and important stuff, with only the KappaPT rework remaining. Another factor were the somewhat unpleasant temperatures and humidity that the weather had brought in for a couple weeks (thankfully this week is a lot cooler and there’s actually been some rain), which is just something that makes working on things a bit more exhausting for me personally, especially when it won’t really cool down during nights. I’m sure that I am not the only one who thinks that sleeping well when its warm and humid can be a bit challenging lol. Regardless of that I’ll try to give you folks some more interesting updates in the future :)
As usual it’s also time for a big shoutout to my subscribers on Patreon, of which there have once again been over 1100 in the last month. At this point you probably already know that I’m very grateful for your continued and very strong support, since that is what makes all of this possible :)
And that’s it for this month, I hope you liked all of the recent updates and stay tuned for more updates that might come in the future!