Hi folks,
The Batman Begins skin I made has received some substantial material updates that leverage the additional experience that I’ve gained with the Proto-Asylum skins, which means that it now also has less uniform materials with more visible dirt and grunge details. In addition to that I have also figured out a rather interesting hack to get a more proper gliding cape, which comes at the small trade-off of minor pop-ins around the cape edges when switching to and from cape gliding. The latter also applies to my modified 2008 suit, so it has a much gliding cape as well now.
If you are interested in resources and help to learn Arkham-Modding or if you just want to keep up to date with my mods, feel free to join the Arkham Artwork Discord Server!
Batman Begins Skin v5.0
- Updated materials
- Improved dirt and grunge details
- Cape now uses anisotropic shading for a more authentic look
- Updated gliding cape
- Now with a more proper wingspan as originally intended

Installation Notes
This skin requires that you own the 2008 Movie Batsuit DLC and have it installed.
To install this skin simply drop the RBmBegins folder from the unpacked download into Batman Arkham Knight/DLC/418930 (the entire folder, not just its contents).
The Dark Knight Custom Version v2.0
- Updated cape
- better gliding-wingspan
- improved cape materials to match Batman Begins skin

Installation Notes
This skin requires that you own the 2008 Movie Batsuit DLC and have it installed.
To install this skin simply drop the RBmDK2008 folder from the unpacked download into Batman Arkham Knight/DLC/418930 (the entire folder, not just its contents).
This does not replace the official DLC skin slot!