There have been some quite interesting updates again, especially regarding Kappa Shader v5.0, which is receiving more and more fancy additions.
Development Update – July 2022
It’s once again time for some updates, especially regarding the upcoming update for Kappa Shader.
KappaPT P15a and NostalgiaVX P7c
I’ve made a bunch of smaller changes to KappaPT and NostalgiaVX again, and as I said its mostly just minor things that improve the overall quality of life and fix some issues.
Development Update – June 2022
It’s time to go through some new stuff again and as usual there are some especially interesting things, most notably further progress on Kappa Shader v5.0 as well as an improved auto-exposure solution.
KappaPT P15
Raytraced refraction are now finally a thing as promised, which means KappaPT’s intended main features are now more or less covered
Development Update – May 2022
It’s once again time for another update blog, and as always there’s some pretty interesting stuff, especially for those of you who want to get the best visuals to performance ratio.
Development Update – April 2022
There have been some interesting updates again in the past month and even a new project that finally made its way out into the open. So stay tuned for a rather expansive overview this time, as well as some insight into future plans.
KappaPT P14(a) and NostalgiaVX P6a
Here are some more, although smaller, updates again.
Development Update – March 2022
It’s time to go through some new updates again, although there aren’t quite as many this time as I’ve been a bit more occupied with other things lately.
KappaPT P13c and NostalgiaVX P6
Since it feels a bit unreasonable to make posts for every small hotfix update I’ll just do bundled update posts like this from now on, which contain a bit more information at once.