There are a few new updates to go through in detail, as I’ve already hinted at in this month’s devblog.
Development Update – December 2022
There are a bunch of new things to go through again, especially with the UShader rewrite slowly reaching completion.
Development Update – November 2022
It’s once again time to go through a bunch of updates and upcoming things.
Development Update – October 2022
It’s time for some updates again, and quite a lot of them this time.
Supporter Updates 2022-09
There have been a few updates that I’d like to cover again.
Development Update – September 2022
There have been a good number of interesting updates in the last month, in addition to the pending release of Soft Voxels Lite.
Supporter Updates 2022-08
There have been a few updates recently so I thought it’d make sense to once again bundle them into a single post.
Development Update – August 2022
There have been some quite interesting updates again, especially regarding Kappa Shader v5.0, which is receiving more and more fancy additions.
Development Update – July 2022
It’s once again time for some updates, especially regarding the upcoming update for Kappa Shader.
KappaPT P15a and NostalgiaVX P7c
I’ve made a bunch of smaller changes to KappaPT and NostalgiaVX again, and as I said its mostly just minor things that improve the overall quality of life and fix some issues.