Latest Blogposts
All of the development blogs and similar posts that I'm making every now and then can be found here.
Development Update – November 2021
It is once again time for a devblog-post, although last month was a bit less exciting overall, as I was quite busy with many other things. Obviously that means that I wasn’t quite able to make as many updates as possible, but there are nonetheless some interesting things to cover.
Development Update – October 2021
It is once again time for another devblog, and there are still quite a few interesting things to cover this time.
Development Update – September 2021
Time for another devblog, and it’s an extensive one as well this time thanks to many updates and even a new project that it coming soon.
Development Update – August 2021
It’s this time of the month again, and it should be rather interesting thanks to some fancy new things
Development Update – July 2021
After a break from devblog in the last month, its time for the update for July.
Potato Shader v1.0a and a small general status update
A small update as well as a quick status update on the unusual update schedule since last month.
Arkham UE #2: Unreal Engine
Picking up where we left in the last part, we can now import our model into Unreal Engine.
Development Update – May 2021
It is once again time for a new devblog, although this month was one of the less eventful ones but I think I still managed to get a reasonable amount of updates done.
Arkham UE #1: Asset Extraction and Conversion
Oi folks, time for part one of this new devblog, covering asset extraction and conversion from the Arkham games using the UE Viewer and 3Ds Max.
Development Update – April 2021
Oi folks, here we are again after a rather eventful month this time.
Quite a few things happened in March, including some new releases, plan-shuffling as well as new updates being worked on but let’s go through it one by one.