This website is the “hub” for various graphics & games related projects of mine including, but not limited to, Minecraft Shaderpacks (arguably the most popular “branch” of my projects). If you want to support me, feel free to check my Patreon page by clicking the button below, or download my shaderpacks through Curseforge or Modrinth since their rewards-programs also enable me to gain some form of revenue.
Latest Posts & Updates
Unreal Engine Batman Arkham #23: New Face Models, Arkham Style Skins and more
It’s been a while since the last update on my UE4 project, but I figured it’s about time for another devblog because things have been adding up again as of late, although the focus is more on artwork stuff again since I haven’t had the time for larger gameplay related additions in the last months.
Arkham Knight Skin Mod Face Updates
I’ve occasionally been working on some stuff related to making custom face meshes from new highpoly sculpts for my skin mods as of late and have finally finished some of them for my skin mods.
Batman Begins and The Dark Knight Skin Updates (Arkham Knight Mods)
The Batman Begins skin I made has received some substantial material updates that leverage the additional experience that I’ve gained with the Proto-Asylum skins. In addition to that I have also figured out a rather interesting hack to get a more proper gliding cape.
Original Arkham- and Burton-Skin-Pack Updates (Arkham Knight Mods)
As you most likely know I’ve recently released my Proto-Asylum Skin-Pack and I’ve figured out a great deal of new details regarding the materials in Arkham Knight with it.
Development Update – May 2024
It’s time to go through some new stuff again, this time more specifically the reflections update for NostalgiaVX and some of the other things I’ve planned for future shaderpack updates.
Proto-Asylum Skin Pack v1.0 (Arkham Knight Mod)
I’ve made some original suit designs for a change, this time something that’s more of an in-universe prototype of the Arkham Asylum Suit, so its somewhere between Arkham Origins and Asylum in terms of design.
Unreal Engine Batman Arkham #22a: Classic Burton Batman and more
I’ve made some artwork stuff again as some of you might have already guessed from my recent mod releases for Arkham Knight.
Development Update – April 2024
I’ve been working on a few new things again, most notably a major reflections overhaul for NostalgiaVX. In addition to that I am also starting to look into support for Distant Horizons with my packs.
Burton Skin Pack #2 v1.0 (Arkham Knight Mod)
I have finally finished the Burton Skin Pack #2, after having started work on it months ago.
Burton/Keaton Batsuit Skin Pack v3 (Arkham Knight Mod)
I’ve done a lot of cape related additions in this update, which includes completely new gliding states for the 1989 and 1992 suits.