This website is the “hub” for various graphics & games related projects of mine including, but not limited to, Minecraft Shaderpacks (arguably the most popular “branch” of my projects). If you want to support me, feel free to check my Patreon page by clicking the button below, or download my shaderpacks through Curseforge or Modrinth since their rewards-programs also enable me to gain some form of revenue.
Latest Posts & Updates
Burton/Keaton Batsuit Skin Pack v1 (Arkham Knight Mod)
As I can now use my 3D models with their original skin weights and without having to deal with various other hurdles I’ve decided to also bring my Burton/Keaton-Batman skins to Arkham Knight.
Batman Begins Suit v3 (Arkham Knight Mod)
There has been an update to UPK Explorer that resolved the issues that my meshes with my custom skin weights had, this means that the Batman Begins Suit I’ve released a few days ago no longer suffers from weird mesh distortions during various animations now.
Batman Begins Suit Mod (for Arkham Knight)
As some of you know it has recently become possible to import completely new 3D models into the Arkham games, albeit with a lot of drawbacks and issues that have not yet been resolved.
Unreal Engine Batman Arkham #21: Armored Suits and more
As I announced this is the first dedicated blogpost that accompanies one of my UE4 Arkham videos on YouTube, so let’s get into it as there are quite a few things I’ve worked on in the past few months.
Development Update – December 2023
There are a few updates and other things to talk about again, and this time it also includes some plans related to my Unreal Engine-blogposts.
Development Update – November 2023
It’s time for another update, although I haven’t been working quite as much on shaderpack stuffs as usual now that I’m also busy with university things again, which is why this is one of the shorter development updates.
Development Update – October 2023
It is once again time for a development update, and this time finally with some solid progress on the KappaPT rework, of which there is also a first preview available now.
Development Update – September 2023
It’s time for another development update again, although I have still been focusing my efforts on the KappaPT rework which has made some good progress.
Development Update – August 2023
This time there aren’t as many things to cover as in the last months, since I am focusing on the rework of KappaPT while all my other packs already received numerous updates in the last couple of months.
Development Update – July 2023
It’s time to recap some updates again (of which there have been quite a lot in the last month) and there are also a few more upcoming updates that I have planned.