KappaPT P13

It’s time for a slightly larger update again, which also features some changes that are coming with Kappa Shader v4.2, mainly regarding the skybox.

NostalgiaVX P5

Its time for yet another update with something many of you probably have been waiting for, namely Nether Support.

NostalgiaVX P4

Another NostalgiaVX update is finally ready and I’ve got a bulk of fancy additions this time.

KappaPT P12f

Now that the bot is up and running as well as the Patreon integration on this website it’s time to get back into updates. I’ll just start right away with some smaller changes I’ve done to KappaPT since the last update.

SimpleTAA Release

This has been a small pack that I’ve been working on lately. Basically all it does is add small things to improve the vanilla look without much deviation from it.

Development Update – December 2021

This time there’s quite a few things to go through, including some updates that turned out to be quite fancy but first off there are some important changes regarding the organisation of my Patreon page.